Recently, during my visit to Port Aventura, I spent time checking out Ferrari Land for the afternoon after my flight to Port Aventura to make the most of the remainder of my first day during my holiday.
For me, I found that just a few hours at Ferrari Land was more than enough, now of course it is greatly dependant on how busy the park is aswell, although you can also purchase a ‘Express’ pass which will give you a one-shot fast-track on the Ferrari Land, sadly they don’t have an unlimited option for Ferrari Land for some reason.
Red Force was great fun with the very fast launch it has, however during my visit there were very poor ride operations which meant that the loading of the ride was very slow in addition the ride itself also seemed to have a lot of downtime (even more than what Stealth has at Thorpe Park!)
Thrill Towers is also great fun but you don’t really get that long at the top prior to your drop so you don’t get to see much of the views you would get.
Flying Dreams, is a flying ride, which can be compared to Flight of the Skylion over at Legoland Windsor.
Racing Legends is another flying ride, but this time the ride vehicle is shaped as a Ferrari car and is in 4D (you will be given special glasses to wear!) fort me, it felt like it could have done with more special effects.
Maranello Grand Prix, think Autopia at DLP without the fumes, so makes for a nice relaxing ride!
Overall, feel that the poor ride operations let down the park, could be a good place to visit but too much downtime and is also only open for a limited time during the day, which further doesn’t help,

Founder of ThemeParkRM. Spending most of his time at Thorpe Park and loves The Runaway Mine Train at Alton Towers (choo choo!)