Sadly (in some ways) we are near the end of 2023, as such we thought that we should take a look back at the highlights of 2023!
We can’t help but mention we had plenty of visits over to Thorpe Park during the 2023 season which was especially exciting to see the progress of Hyperia throughout the season!
Even with this, we also took a couple of visits over to Alton Towers, especially to check-out the Curse at Alton Manor and to see the progress in person of the new track being laid for Nemesis.
Back at the end of June we took our very first trip over to Port Aventura which was a lovely visit Shambalha has become one of the top rollercoasters for me, it must be the lap bar restraints that have done that!
I also attended the Summer Festival run by the team at Attraction Source in August, which was brilliant fun especially to get many re-rides on RITA and Wicker Man, not to forget the after-party as well!
After this, it was quickly becoming the end of the season before we knew it! I did go to Oktoberfest as I always do over at Thorpe Park and not only that I took 5 trips over to the very much loved Fright Nights, something that I always try to do as much as I possibly can due to being a great event and I just love their scare mazes!
Now I also can’t forget to mention that I took two trips over to Chessington World of Adventures this year, mainly because of Mandrill Mayhem. The only reason I took a second trip there was due to it being on passholders day so the queues were minimal and I was able to enjoy plenty of rides.
At the start of November, I also took my only trip of the year over to Drayton Manor, this was only because of the last few days of Shockwave being a stand-up coaster, so I just had to go back and take full advantage of that. In so many ways its a shame that it will no longer be a stand-up coaster even with how uncomfy it can be at times.
Fast forward then onto December, when I took a trip for the very first time to Efteling. It was a brilliant trip and a park I must admit has become one of my top Theme Parks to visit. It was timed very well with near enough every ride being walked on for both days I was there. I was also impressed with the theming and also how friendly the staff are there!
Now, I also can’t help but look back personally at some situations I faced during the year which was a real challenge for myself. I had to take 3 unplanned trips to Scotland.
The first was at the middle of March to visit my Mum in hospital who wasn’t doing too well, I was a bit reluctant at first to take the trip due to work, however, after speaking to my sister I decided it would be best that I went. It really was a difficult visit as my Mum wasn’t her normal self and seeing her that way was so hard on me.
Then sadly not long after that, my Mum had passed away, so I had to travel back to Scotland just 3 weeks later to attend her funeral. Something which was not easy at all and still I find difficult to accept.
Now following on from this, something that was a shock but we had been preparing ourselves for that would happen this year was the passing of my Papa (my Mum’s Dad) he hasn’t been well for a good while, and had been getting excellent care in a local care home to himself. However, we took a further decline after the passing of my Mum which he found difficult. I then had to travel back to Scotland at the end of August to attend his funeral as well.
Losing both close family members in such a short space of time really did take its toll on me throughout 2023 and I must admit, if it wasn’t for work, family, and friends I don’t know how I would have coped infact, I’m in many ways surprised that I have managed to cope so well.
I would say that having trips to Theme Park’s and doing what I enjoy really did help me throughout 2023 and helped a lot to take my mind off everything that I was dealing with.

Founder of ThemeParkRM. Spending most of his time at Thorpe Park and loves The Runaway Mine Train at Alton Towers (choo choo!)