In a recent video update of the closed season at Thorpe Park, Jack Silkstone has shared a ‘behind the scenes video and pictures from his very special visit!
Recently, Thorpe Park shared on their TikTok a video of Colossus missing some track, but they haven’t shared any further details about this, however in Jack’s video and in Jack’s picture you can see below, some of the track has been removed which appears to be part of a ‘re-track’ project which they have been keeping secret!
The work, many people are suspecting will be taking place during ‘closed season’ much like The Big One at Blackpool, which will ensure that the ride can still operate during the ‘open season’ and will rather focus on replacing parts of the track in sections, unlike the big project taking place over at Alton Towers for Nemisis.
For me, I find the main issue with Colossus is the restraints on the car’s more than anything else, so lets hope we might also see a change to this in the future aswell?

Founder of ThemeParkRM. Spending most of his time at Thorpe Park and loves The Runaway Mine Train at Alton Towers (choo choo!)